Lawmakers on the Legislative Council's state agencies and governmental affairs had a meeting on Tuesday to discuss adding additional cultivators to the Arkansas medical marijuana program.
It was questioned in the meeting whether or not there is a shortage of medical marijuana in Arkansas and if the two outstanding cultivation licenses should be awarded. Arkansas's medical marijuana amendment states that there is a maximum of eight cultivators allowed in the state's program.
The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission has until the July 10 deadline to determine whether or not they will award the two additional licenses. Last week, the committee approved a sixth cultivator, Carpenter Farms Medical Group, to support the growing market in Arkansas that is approaching almost $100 million in medical marijuana sales.
With only three out of the six cultivators currently operating Arkansas, it has raised concerns from members of the commission on whether or not that is enough to sustain the 62,000 registered patients in the medical marijuana program.
The commission has one final meeting on June 30 to discuss the issue before the deadline. If no additional cultivation licenses are granted before July 10, applicants on a waiting list will be removed until the Medical Marijuana Commission agrees to begin the bidding process again.

If you are an Arkansan suffering from one of these 18 medical conditions you may be eligible to treat your ailment with medical marijuana, which includes both THC and CBD products.
Click here to learn more about what Arkansas Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at (844-249-8714) and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process, and set you up with an appointment.