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Writer's pictureAshley Slimak

Arkansas Marijuana Card Now Offers PTSD Evaluations

Arkansas PTSD Diagnosis Appointments

Arkansas Marijuana Card clinics will begin offering evaluations for Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), starting September 15.

Our doctors are certified to diagnose PTSD and are here to help patients that have been suffering with this condition. Living with PTSD can be incredibly challenging, as patients regularly have to deal with unexpected anxiety attacks resulting from a past traumatic event or experience.

The PTSD evaluation appointment is $89. You will receive a full refund if you do receive a diagnosis. While we do encourage patients with PTSD to seek medical marijuana treatment, we cannot evaluate patients for PTSD and medical marijuana treatment during the same appointment. To comply with state law, you will need to be evaluated by different recommending physicians.

So, if you believe that you suffer from PTSD and have yet to be diagnosed, you can schedule a PTSD appointment with our offices.

Following the receipt of your PTSD diagnosis, our Patient Support Team will contact you to schedule your medical marijuana evaluation appointment.

Based on estimates provided by the Sidran Institute, 5% of individuals in the United States are living with PTSD at any given time. With this number in mind, we can approximate that over 150,000 Arkansas residents are currently living with PTSD.

For those who are living with this disorder, the medical community in Arkansas has recently endorsed medical marijuana as one viable treatment to help reduce anxiety and stress. This new treatment has the potential to provide the relief that you need to live a happy and fulfilling life while managing the negative impact of PTSD on the mind and body.

Take An Assessment

If you are unsure of whether or not you suffer from PTSD or another psychological disorder, visit Mental Health America and take this quick assessment. This will help you to understand if you have the associated symptoms.

Book Your PTSD Evaluation Today

To schedule your appointment, please give us a call at 844-249-8714 or schedule online today.

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Arkansas Marijuana Card Doctors

If you are an Arkansan suffering from one of these 18 medical conditions you may be eligible to treat your ailment with medical marijuana, which includes both THC and CBD products.

Click here to learn more about what Arkansas Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at (844-249-8714) and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process, and set you up with an appointment.

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