The Arkansas medical marijuana program makes it easy to qualify for and renew your medical marijuana card, offering patients the ability to purchase many different types of cannabis products across the Natural State.
Known for their high THC content and powerful effects, moonrocks are highly-potent cannabis buds dripped in concentrate and covered with Kief.
Moonrocks are one of the most potent cannabis products available and are favored by patients looking for extreme relief and enthusiasts who are looking to step up their medicine cabinet with a heavy hitting alternative to traditional concentrates or flower.
In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about moonrocks, what they are, where to find Moonrocks in Arkansas, and how to make your own moonrocks at home!
What are Moonrocks?
Moonrocks are Cannabis Buds Dipped in Concentrate, Covered in Kief
There’s no shortage of unique ideas when it comes to using cannabis, and moonrocks are the perfect example of overachieving.
Moonrocks look like jelly-infused crusted cannabis buds, and that’s basically what they are, though as tempting as it might be, they’re not really designed to be eaten.
By dipping high-THC cannabis flower in concentrates and covering it with Kief, cultivators can create an extremely potent and heavy-hitting product that even Snoop Dogg claims is too strong.
Moonrocks are typically smoked in a water-pipe, and usually require grinding by hand due to their sticky composition, although many patients find that dipping joints in concentrate and covering them with Kief makes for an experience that is a little easier to handle and less messy than breaking buds down by hand.
Where Can I Buy Moonrocks in Arkansas?
Moonrocks can be found at several dispensaries in Arkansas, though there’s no one place that keeps them on stock 24/7, you’ll usually find them at one dispensary for some amount of time and then at another dispensary for awhile.
Suite 443 in Hot Springs has had several batches of moonrocks, and Green Springs Medical in Hot Springs even sells a discounted make-your-own-moonrocks supply kit with all the products ready for you to make your own moonrocks.
Moonrocks are a little harder to come by in central Arkansas, too, so you may have to make a trip to Fayetteville or Hot Springs to find a recent batch.
How to Make Your Own Moonrocks
Making Your Own Moonrocks at Home is Simple & Easy
As an alternative to buying moonrocks from a dispensary, you can make your own moonrocks at home fairly easily, though it’s not necessarily the cheapest option in Arkansas.
Green Springs Medical’s moonrocks kit is definitely the way to go for a small batch since it’s easier on the budget, but if you’re wanting to make several moonrocks then use this method to make your own moonrocks:
All you need to make moonrocks at home:
· Cannabis Flower
· Concentrate of any Kind (Distillate, Sugar, Wax, etc.)
· Kief (can be purchased at several dispensaries or use your own Kief from a grinder)
· Dab Tool, Brush, or Dropper
· Parchment Paper or Baking Sheet
To make moonrocks at home, simply rub or dip the cannabis flower into the concentrate, cover the buds in Kief, and wait to dry. You’ll want to make sure the buds you’re using are somewhat dense to keep them from crumbling, and you can use parchment paper to place the buds on while they’re drying.
After a few hours at room temperature, the moonrocks should begin to harden and will be a tough, gooey structure when ready. There’s no set time or perfect temperature, either, so just dip them and wait!
Tips for Using Moonrocks for the First Time
If it’s your first time trying moonrocks, you’re likely in for a wild and lengthy ride.
Moonrocks are best suited for patients with a high tolerance to THC and for patients with good familiarity with the effects of large doses of THC because moonrocks deliver an extremely high dosage of THC immediately.
Depending on the flower, concentrate, and Kief that is used, moonrocks can have quite a high THC percentage (60%+ THC), and as a result, can produce significant and long lasting effects.
Moonrocks are often considered debilitating, intense experiences that can leave patients in a state of pure relaxation, so don’t plan on checking too many things off the to-do list, or really, doing anything for quite some time.
The effects from moonrocks are similar to concentrates and edibles, with a much quicker onset and peak similar to dabbing.
Patients should approach moonrocks with caution and respect, and when used properly, can offer an incredible experience that can alleviate severe pain and induce drowsiness and sleep.
Become an Arkansas Marijuana Patient
The Arkansas medical marijuana program allows patients with qualifying conditions to use medical cannabis legally. And now, you can even renew your medical marijuana card online by consulting with one of our compassionate physicians today!
Qualifying Arkansas patients can schedule an appointment to renew their medical marijuana card with one of our certified physicians and continue using medical marijuana as an alternative treatment.
We’re dedicated to helping patients every step of the way, feel free to give us a call at 844-249-8714, and we can answer your questions about getting medical marijuana in Arkansas.
Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.
Helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at 844-249-8714, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
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