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New Product Announcement: Live Resin & Rosin Now Available in Arkansas

Hammond Lewis

Arkansas medical marijuana patients have a lot to look forward to in 2022, with new products and stores coming online and the possibility of legalization coming to the Natural State.

For now, patients still need to register for a medical marijuana card to get access to legal cannabis in Arkansas. With the program up and running smoothly, there’s no better time than now to become a medical marijuana patient.

And while Arkansas cannabis flower has been impressive, Arkansas hash has been severely lacking in quality, leading many patients to opt-out of the low-tier concentrates that have been available so far.

Now, cultivators and processors are looking to step up their concentrate game in Arkansas with the release of better quality products like live resin and rosin, and a few companies are actually hitting the mark.

In this article, we’ll cover Arkansas’ new products, where to find them, and whether they’re worth paying the premium for!

Arkansas Finally Gets Good Quality Hash – Live Resin & Rosin

Arkansas Hash Has Had a Rough Start

Concentrates in Arkansas have been rampant with problems.

Poor quality, high prices, and salesy processing techniques have kept Arkansas hash at a low point since dispensaries began selling cannabis in 2019.

Cultivators have failed tremendously in the Arkansas hash market, where unfavorable flavors, over-processed trim-hash, and bright yellow “sugars” have been pushed onto patients without much of a warning.

There have even been concerns of fake or synthetic terpenes being used in Arkansas’ low grade CRC monstrosities, which taste as unpleasant as they look and smell.

Patients have gotten a sense that cultivators use Arkansas hash as a cash cow, favoring processes that incorporate unusable materials like trim to save money and CRC techniques that “pretty up” undesirable concentrates.

That’s all set to change, with quality hash products hitting the State from cultivators and processors like River Valley Relief and Cookies Cannabis who are set to introduce real-quality hash to patients who have been demanding it since the start of the program.

Live Resin Diamonds & Properly Cured Hash Come To AR

A few cultivators have tried their hand at producing decent quality concentrates in Arkansas, though they’ve typically missed the mark in most categories.

There has been a substantial lack of live concentrates, which are concentrates that go through the process of freezing to lock in all the compounds for a significantly improved flavor and aroma.

Likely due to the fear of cultivators having to spend more money, creating live hash products takes extra equipment and the real kicker, education, to produce.

River Valley Relief is dialing into that science as they release their first line of live hash products in Arkansas.

Peach Ozz Gushers live resin, Crunch Berries live diamonds, and Wedding Cake cured sugar are among the products they’ve released so far, and compared to what we’ve seen in Arkansas hash so far, they win in every category. The flavor is there, the smell is phenomenal, and the vapor is clean. The appearance is also a positive mark, with bright and juicy orange colors and perfect composition.

RVR’s line of hash products exemplify what patients have been begging for, and the biggest hope is that they begin processing live rosin, the most popular concentrate type in the Country.

Good Day Farm Tries Hand at Live Hash, Cookies to Bring Concentrates to Arkansas

Good Day Farm has traditionally released some of the lower grade concentrates in the Arkansas market, for they’ve smelled bad, tasted bad, and looked bad.

Now, using new technology (and hopefully better technique), GDF is trying its hand at live concentrates with an expansive rollout of live badder and budders.

And the new lineup might make up for their previous mishaps because the color grade is better, the scent is better, and the flavor is much better.

These runs look more like real hash products, creamy tan budders and badders with pleasant aromas, and their collaboration with Berner/Cookies Cannabis is poised to introduce new concentrates too.

Rosin is still very rare to find at Arkansas dispensaries, and Osage’s rosin runs have been a hit or miss. Sometimes they taste great, and others, well, not so much. With little consistency in how their rosin runs look, smell, and taste, it’s tough to shell out the nearly $100 for a gram of mystery hash.

The Future of Arkansas Hash

RVR & Cookies Cannabis Products to Look Out For

River Valley Relief’s product line has been impressive, and the reasons why are obvious.

RVR Vice President Ryan Kenaga has been clear about how these products arrived on dispensary shelves, saying:

“We received our license to grow later than the original cultivators in Arkansas, so we used that extra time as an opportunity to listen to what the medical cannabis patients in Arkansas were saying (most of our team are patients too). We responded to what we kept hearing the patients wanted with live resins, more variety, and high-quality terpene profiles with testing that is available to patients…”

We’re excited to see what they have planned for the future, and the same goes for Cookies Cannabis, who recently introduced their products at the new Berner’s by Good Day Farm location in Little Rock, Arkansas.

We don’t know exactly what type of concentrate products will be available from Cookies in Arkansas, though vape cartridges and traditional concentrates are likely on the menu. In their collaboration with Good Day Farm, we hope the relationship helps to step up the quality of their concentrate production, which could bring Arkansas Hash into a comparable spot as the rest of the Country.

Become an Arkansas Marijuana Patient

Arkansas offers medical marijuana for patients with qualifying conditions. By having a medical marijuana card in Arkansas, you can legally purchase and possess medical marijuana products. And you can even renew your medical marijuana certification online today!

Qualifying Arkansas patients can schedule an appointment to renew their medical marijuana card with one of our certified physicians and continue using medical marijuana as an alternative treatment.

We’re dedicated to helping patients every step of the way, feel free to give us a call at 844-249-8714, and we can answer your questions about getting medical marijuana in Arkansas.


Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.

Helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

If you have any questions, call us at 844-249-8714, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

Check out Arkansas Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in Arkansas.

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