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  • Writer's pictureSuzanna Thallman

More People Use Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes Than To "Get High"

More people use cannabis for medicinal purposes

The medicinal value of cannabis has become increasingly accepted by people in recent years. In fact, a recent study found that more people are using marijuana for medical purposes, instead of using it just to get “high”. The study surveyed over 165,000 marijuana users in the U.S., and it concluded that almost half of the survey participants reported using marijuana to treat a medical condition instead of using it for recreational purposes.

Patients that suffer from cancer, various respiratory issues, and depression were some of the most common conditions that patients used cannabis to relieve their symptoms. Chronic pain is another one of the most common medical conditions that patients use medical marijuana to treat in the United States. It’s important that patients be aware of how to use medical marijuana to treat different medical conditions, as one method may be most effective for one condition, while another might be more effective for others.

Another study concluded that 85% of medical marijuana patients in the U.S. use their card for medical purposes to treat their conditions, while others do it for fun. Of the 85% of medical marijuana patients in the U.S., 62% fall under the chronic pain category. The traditional treatment method for chronic pain often utilized opioids, which have a number of side effects, such as drowsiness and constipation. Patients often opt out of prescription opioid treatment due to the fact that they want an alternative treatment with lower potential for addiction and dependency, while simultaneously remaining pain-free while living a normal life free of restrictions.

Minimal side effects and low potential for dependency are some of the characteristics that make marijuana a great alternative to prescription pain medication. Many medical marijuana patients state their reasons for opting out of opioid use is because of the potential for addiction. The CDC stated that the mortality rate due to opioid-related deaths in the U.S. has shown a steady increase since the beginning of the millennium. This number is a result of the ever-increasing number opioid prescriptions since the late 1990s. Only in recent years, since the increased availability of medical marijuana, have we seen the number of opioid prescriptions begin to decline. Medical marijuana is responsible for lessening the side effects of withdrawal that long time opioid users face when coming off of their prescriptions. Cannabis is reported to have the potential to reduce cravings for other drugs as well.

Making the transition from opioids to medical marijuana has saved many patients' lives, and made them more liveable than what they could have ever imagined. If you're interested in learning more about how you can become a medical marijuana patient in Arkansas, give us a call at 844-249-8714.

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Arkansas Marijuana Card Doctors

If you are an Arkansan suffering from one of these 18 medical conditions you may be eligible to treat your ailment with medical marijuana, which includes both THC and CBD products.

Click here to learn more about what Arkansas Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at (844-249-8714) and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process, and set you up with an appointment.

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1 Comment

Nelly Johnson
Nelly Johnson
Nov 10, 2020

As far as experience and time is concern, I think people nowadays know already that cannabis is more than just for recreation, it is more of for medication. I also noticed that people tend to prefer safety as a priority when using one.

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